- Title: MomWants2Breed - Jennifer White 【Fuck Me Under The Mistletoe】 - Synopsis: Jennifer White loves Christmas & decorating for the holiday. There’s just 1 problem: She’s having trouble with the ladder to put the mistletoe up. She calls her StepSon (A.K.A. Parker Ambrose) in to hold the ladder, where she makes sure he notices her short skirt, lack of panties, & big boobs as she climbs. She asks if Parker knows about mistletoe, & then claims that U don’t kiss under it; U breed under it!!... Later, dressed as Mrs. Claus... Jennifer White positions herself beneath the mistletoe, & calls Parker back in. She makes sure he knows that means he gets to fuck StepMILF for Christmas. That’s all the time Parker gets B4 he has Jennifer White on her knees B4 him, his dick between her hot lips. He even gets a taste of his StepMom’s cream as Jennifer White lays herself out in front of the Christmas tree, & spreads her thighs for her StepSon to eat her out. Putting Parker on his back, Jennifer White climbs aboard to ride him in reverse cowgirl. Turning around, Jennifer White keeps their private Christmas party going in cowgirl. They spoon together next, with Parker diving deep. As he gets ready to cum, Parker knows that he’s pumping Jennifer White full of baby batter that she hopes will breed her properly!!..
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- Title: MomWants2Breed - Jennifer White 【Fuck Me Under The Mistletoe】
- Synopsis: Jennifer White loves Christmas & decorating for the holiday. There’s just 1 problem: She’s having trouble with the ladder to put the mistletoe up. She calls her StepSon (A.K.A. Parker Ambrose) in to hold the ladder, where she makes sure he notices her short skirt, lack of panties, & big boobs as she climbs. She asks if Parker knows about mistletoe, & then claims that U don’t kiss under it; U breed under it!!... Later, dressed as Mrs. Claus... Jennifer White positions herself beneath the mistletoe, & calls Parker back in. She makes sure he knows that means he gets to fuck StepMILF for Christmas. That’s all the time Parker gets B4 he has Jennifer White on her knees B4 him, his dick between her hot lips. He even gets a taste of his StepMom’s cream as Jennifer White lays herself out in front of the Christmas tree, & spreads her thighs for her StepSon to eat her out. Putting Parker on his back, Jennifer White climbs aboard to ride him in reverse cowgirl. Turning around, Jennifer White keeps their private Christmas party going in cowgirl. They spoon together next, with Parker diving deep. As he gets ready to cum, Parker knows that he’s pumping Jennifer White full of baby batter that she hopes will breed her properly!!..