- Alternative Title: MILFTy - Sheena Ryder & Whitney Wright 【Plans 4 The Present 【Screwged 【Pt. II】 - Synopsis: Convinced that her encounter W. The Ghost of X-Mas Past was a dream, Sheena Ryder tries to calm her nerves. But her lessons in humility aren’t over. Whitney Wright (A.K.A. Sheena Ryder’s old assistant) appears in her Living Rm. as The Ghost Of X-Mas Present. Whitney Wright holds a tremendous grudge against Sheena Ryder & points out her former boss’s greed & self-obsession. Whitney Wright transports both of them to the home of Sheena Ryder’s StepDaughter’s Fiance’s family. The family is what Sheena Ryder considers “Poor”, & she has nothing but resentment for them. Angel, Lily, Elias, & Jack talk of Sheena Ryder abjectly... Noting but her greed & coldness. Rion (A.K.A. Penelope Woods’ fiance) attempts to defend Sheena Ryder, but is interrupted by a phone call from Penelope Woods. Sheena Ryder doesn’t want her StepDaughter to live a life of squalor, so she demands Whitney Wright allow her to intervene. Whitney Wright agrees, brings them to Rion’s bedroom, & makes it so he can see them. Sheena Ryder lies, tells Rion that Penelope Woods has been cheating on him, & makes a deal W. Rion so that he never reaches out to Penelope Woods again. Brokenhearted, he agrees. Sheena Ryder & Whitney Wright make quick work of Rion, sucking his cock, & letting him fuck them hard. But is this also all a dream, & will Sheena Ryder be able to redeem herself?!... Only Pt. III will tell all!!...
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- Alternative Title: MILFTy - Sheena Ryder & Whitney Wright 【Plans 4 The Present 【Screwged 【Pt. II】
- Synopsis: Convinced that her encounter W. The Ghost of X-Mas Past was a dream, Sheena Ryder tries to calm her nerves. But her lessons in humility aren’t over. Whitney Wright (A.K.A. Sheena Ryder’s old assistant) appears in her Living Rm. as The Ghost Of X-Mas Present. Whitney Wright holds a tremendous grudge against Sheena Ryder & points out her former boss’s greed & self-obsession. Whitney Wright transports both of them to the home of Sheena Ryder’s StepDaughter’s Fiance’s family. The family is what Sheena Ryder considers “Poor”, & she has nothing but resentment for them. Angel, Lily, Elias, & Jack talk of Sheena Ryder abjectly... Noting but her greed & coldness. Rion (A.K.A. Penelope Woods’ fiance) attempts to defend Sheena Ryder, but is interrupted by a phone call from Penelope Woods. Sheena Ryder doesn’t want her StepDaughter to live a life of squalor, so she demands Whitney Wright allow her to intervene. Whitney Wright agrees, brings them to Rion’s bedroom, & makes it so he can see them. Sheena Ryder lies, tells Rion that Penelope Woods has been cheating on him, & makes a deal W. Rion so that he never reaches out to Penelope Woods again. Brokenhearted, he agrees. Sheena Ryder & Whitney Wright make quick work of Rion, sucking his cock, & letting him fuck them hard. But is this also all a dream, & will Sheena Ryder be able to redeem herself?!... Only Pt. III will tell all!!...