Due the extreme cold in Russia, the boys drunks much vodka, smokes more, and have a more brute, virile ans masculine behavor. The girl doens't use take off her clothes so easy. In this case is not usefull the boy be affectionate, romantic and kindly. To be brute, virile ans masculine sometimes is the only way for boys can get the girl's clothes off for finally be able to introduce their rigid white rods into her pussy!
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Due the extreme cold in Russia, the boys drunks much vodka, smokes more, and have a more brute, virile ans masculine behavor. The girl doens't use take off her clothes so easy. In this case is not usefull the boy be affectionate, romantic and kindly. To be brute, virile ans masculine sometimes is the only way for boys can get the girl's clothes off for finally be able to introduce their rigid white rods into her pussy!