- Title: JapanHDV - Mikuni Maisaki 【Busty Cute Idol, Fucked After An Interview】 - Synopsis: Mikuni Maisaki is 1 of the cutest AV idols that U’ll ever see. & besides a cute face, she also has a big & natural pair of tits that U’d love on Ur face or wrapped around Ur cock. U’ll have a blast with this movie of hers, in which U can enjoy her from so many angles. But 1st, U’ll be able to get to know her better in a naughty interview in which she reveals intimate details about her life. She looks so sexy dressed in black. But we had her change into some sporty clothes for an intro, in which we wanted to check her measurements & her mobility. We had her execute all kinds of physical exercises, so that we could see those boobies jiggle. It’s just a relaxed & sexy intro for a video with such a cute idol. After all the play, we sent our friend in front of the camera. & what better partner for such a gorgeous hottie than a young handsome man with a big & thick dick. She fell in love with his dick from the 1st minute, & sucked it with so much passion & care. Then they moved the action in the action on a couch, where our friend got to have some fun with her pussy. He fingered & sucked it, & we’re so jealous that he got to taste Mikuni Maisaki’s juices. He even licked her asshole, & the cute Mikuni Maisaki enjoyed it so much. But what she loved the most was all the toy play & 69ing that made her cum so many times. & then she finally got fucked hard by that thick dick until he filled her pussy up with cum!!... - P. S: Anyone know the movie code?
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- Title: JapanHDV - Mikuni Maisaki 【Busty Cute Idol, Fucked After An Interview】
- Synopsis: Mikuni Maisaki is 1 of the cutest AV idols that U’ll ever see. & besides a cute face, she also has a big & natural pair of tits that U’d love on Ur face or wrapped around Ur cock. U’ll have a blast with this movie of hers, in which U can enjoy her from so many angles. But 1st, U’ll be able to get to know her better in a naughty interview in which she reveals intimate details about her life. She looks so sexy dressed in black. But we had her change into some sporty clothes for an intro, in which we wanted to check her measurements & her mobility. We had her execute all kinds of physical exercises, so that we could see those boobies jiggle. It’s just a relaxed & sexy intro for a video with such a cute idol. After all the play, we sent our friend in front of the camera. & what better partner for such a gorgeous hottie than a young handsome man with a big & thick dick. She fell in love with his dick from the 1st minute, & sucked it with so much passion & care. Then they moved the action in the action on a couch, where our friend got to have some fun with her pussy. He fingered & sucked it, & we’re so jealous that he got to taste Mikuni Maisaki’s juices. He even licked her asshole, & the cute Mikuni Maisaki enjoyed it so much. But what she loved the most was all the toy play & 69ing that made her cum so many times. & then she finally got fucked hard by that thick dick until he filled her pussy up with cum!!...
- P. S: Anyone know the movie code?