- Title: JapanHDV - Nana Fujii 【Gets A Special Swimming Lesson】 - Synopsis: Nana Fujii always wanted to learn how to swim. So she got into her swimming suit & went to a lesson. However, the teacher that she got is pretty horny. & when he’s teaching Nana Fujii how to swim, he kept staring at her ass. All that touching turned on Nana Fujii as well. He started feeling her boobs, & even though she’s shy at 1st , she didn’t want the man to stop. He even started licking her titties & playing with her pussy next to the pool. But because they almost got caught, they had to move the action somewhere more private. So they went into the Locker Rm, where all the teasing turned into hardcore play. Nana Fujii was impressed with the size of her swimming teacher’s cock. She sucked on it with so much passion, & it’s clear that feeling such a big cock in her mouth is making her extra horny. & she got her oral favor returned. The teacher went down on her, & licked her hairy pussy, putting her into a sexual trance. After some more oral play, it’s time for the skinny hot slut Nana Fujii to feel that thick long dick inside herself. She got fucked so nicely. The swim teacher knows how to properly please a woman. He put her in many positions, & gave her multiple orgasms. & then she got her tight cunt filled up with fresh sperm. Nana Fujii got more than she hoped for during her 1st swimming lesson. She’ll surely return to this teacher!!... - Series: Sport Academy - P.S: Anyone know the movie code?
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- Title: JapanHDV - Nana Fujii 【Gets A Special Swimming Lesson】
- Synopsis: Nana Fujii always wanted to learn how to swim. So she got into her swimming suit & went to a lesson. However, the teacher that she got is pretty horny. & when he’s teaching Nana Fujii how to swim, he kept staring at her ass. All that touching turned on Nana Fujii as well. He started feeling her boobs, & even though she’s shy at 1st , she didn’t want the man to stop. He even started licking her titties & playing with her pussy next to the pool. But because they almost got caught, they had to move the action somewhere more private. So they went into the Locker Rm, where all the teasing turned into hardcore play. Nana Fujii was impressed with the size of her swimming teacher’s cock. She sucked on it with so much passion, & it’s clear that feeling such a big cock in her mouth is making her extra horny. & she got her oral favor returned. The teacher went down on her, & licked her hairy pussy, putting her into a sexual trance. After some more oral play, it’s time for the skinny hot slut Nana Fujii to feel that thick long dick inside herself. She got fucked so nicely. The swim teacher knows how to properly please a woman. He put her in many positions, & gave her multiple orgasms. & then she got her tight cunt filled up with fresh sperm. Nana Fujii got more than she hoped for during her 1st swimming lesson. She’ll surely return to this teacher!!...
- Series: Sport Academy
- P.S: Anyone know the movie code?