- Title: TabooByPrimal - Erica Lauren 【No Words Necessary¦ Mom's Secret Desires】 - Synopsis: There’s only 1 bed when StepMom (A.K.A. Erica Lauren) & Alex Jett reach the hotel... How will they spend the night?!... Erica Lauren is bringing her StepSon (A.K.A. Alex Jett) to live W. his StepDad. She didn’t want to do it, but she just feels a weird stress between them, & she thinks it’s for the best. Alex isn't happy about it either, but he always seems to have an attitude about everything these days. It’s not until they’re to share a Rm at an overbooked hotel on the way, that Erica Lauren begins to understand what the cause of the strain between them is. She has to admit!!...
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- Title: TabooByPrimal - Erica Lauren 【No Words Necessary¦ Mom's Secret Desires】
- Synopsis: There’s only 1 bed when StepMom (A.K.A. Erica Lauren) & Alex Jett reach the hotel... How will they spend the night?!... Erica Lauren is bringing her StepSon (A.K.A. Alex Jett) to live W. his StepDad. She didn’t want to do it, but she just feels a weird stress between them, & she thinks it’s for the best. Alex isn't happy about it either, but he always seems to have an attitude about everything these days. It’s not until they’re to share a Rm at an overbooked hotel on the way, that Erica Lauren begins to understand what the cause of the strain between them is. She has to admit!!...