102 fucks - some anal, some vaginal, some oral. Rebel remained happy throughout. Must have made her a bit sore. I think I saw tiny hubby in the background too. The fluffer video was good too. On the whole I think Rebel's long video featuring her being beaten, anally impaled etc was more exciting. Nevertheless - a good video and the event was well organised. Hope they gave her a week off afterwards. . Don't think she had a single orgasm during this long gangbang.She nonetheless remains one of the best porn actresses.
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102 fucks - some anal, some vaginal, some oral. Rebel remained happy throughout. Must have made her a bit sore. I think I saw tiny hubby in the background too. The fluffer video was good too. On the whole I think Rebel's long video featuring her being beaten, anally impaled etc was more exciting. Nevertheless - a good video and the event was well organised. Hope they gave her a week off afterwards. . Don't think she had a single orgasm during this long gangbang.She nonetheless remains one of the best porn actresses.