- Title: JapanHDV - Minako Komukai 【Busty Wife Sucks Her Hubby In The Bathroom 【Pt. II】 - Synopsis: When U have a busty wife like Minako Komuki... Who’s also a massive nympho, U take advantage of her anytime U want. This time, the hubby got horny while she’s in the shower. So he just entered the bathroom with is cock hard, & handed it to her. She knew exactly what to do with it. She grabbed & started massaging it. & then she wanted to clean it. But, she has a special way in which she cleans her hubby’s cock. She soaps up her big tits, & then she lets her hubby tittyfuck her until his dick is clean. She’s so hot when she rubs that cock between her tits while looking straight into her hubby’s eyes. & once the cock is clean, she opens up her mouth, & let’s it slip down her throat. She wanks & sucks it with so much joy. It’s like she knows that her purpose is to make her hubby happy & doing that gives her a sense of fulfillment. Besides sucking the cock, she also plays with the balls & makes sure to lick her hubby’s nipples so that he could get extra horny & cum more for her. After a while, she gets super focused on sucking the dick because she wants that cum in her mouth. She goes crazy on it, & while she sucks it furiously, her big boobs are jiggling so nicely. In the end, she gets a mouth full of sticky fresh sperm... Which she enjoys so much!!... - Scene I: Minako Komuki 【Is The Best Wife A Man Can Imagine】 - Scene III: Minako Komukai 【Curvy Wife Fucked In The Kitchen】 - Movie Code: Caribbeancom-091616-258 - P. S: Anyone have/can upload the full movie?
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- Title: JapanHDV - Minako Komukai 【Busty Wife Sucks Her Hubby In The Bathroom 【Pt. II】
- Synopsis: When U have a busty wife like Minako Komuki... Who’s also a massive nympho, U take advantage of her anytime U want. This time, the hubby got horny while she’s in the shower. So he just entered the bathroom with is cock hard, & handed it to her. She knew exactly what to do with it. She grabbed & started massaging it. & then she wanted to clean it. But, she has a special way in which she cleans her hubby’s cock. She soaps up her big tits, & then she lets her hubby tittyfuck her until his dick is clean. She’s so hot when she rubs that cock between her tits while looking straight into her hubby’s eyes. & once the cock is clean, she opens up her mouth, & let’s it slip down her throat. She wanks & sucks it with so much joy. It’s like she knows that her purpose is to make her hubby happy & doing that gives her a sense of fulfillment. Besides sucking the cock, she also plays with the balls & makes sure to lick her hubby’s nipples so that he could get extra horny & cum more for her. After a while, she gets super focused on sucking the dick because she wants that cum in her mouth. She goes crazy on it, & while she sucks it furiously, her big boobs are jiggling so nicely. In the end, she gets a mouth full of sticky fresh sperm... Which she enjoys so much!!...
- Scene I: Minako Komuki 【Is The Best Wife A Man Can Imagine】
- Scene III: Minako Komukai 【Curvy Wife Fucked In The Kitchen】
- Movie Code: Caribbeancom-091616-258
- P. S: Anyone have/can upload the full movie?