- Scene I: Avi Love & Rion have been binge watching their favorite show. Avi Love loves the part where the twin StepBrother & StepSister R in love, & have sex whenever they can. Rion says it’s just a show, that people aren’t like that really, but Avi Love can see he’s nervous, & she doesn't think anything is wrong with a StepBrother & StepSister having “That” kind of relationship!!... - Scene II: Avi Love's parents R having a party, & she is hiding up in her Rm. Rion comes up to hide out too. Now that they took the 1st step, they look for every chance to be together... & even though it’s risky, Avi doesn't want to wait for another opportunity to have Rion again!!...
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- Scene I: Avi Love & Rion have been binge watching their favorite show. Avi Love loves the part where the twin StepBrother & StepSister R in love, & have sex whenever they can. Rion says it’s just a show, that people aren’t like that really, but Avi Love can see he’s nervous, & she doesn't think anything is wrong with a StepBrother & StepSister having “That” kind of relationship!!...
- Scene II: Avi Love's parents R having a party, & she is hiding up in her Rm. Rion comes up to hide out too. Now that they took the 1st step, they look for every chance to be together... & even though it’s risky, Avi doesn't want to wait for another opportunity to have Rion again!!...