- Title: MommysGirl - Bunny Madison, Codi Vore, & Jill Kassidy, & Rachael Cavalli 【A Jaunt W. The StepAunts】 - Synopsis: Rachael Cavalli is hosting her StepSister (A.K.A. Codi Vore) & Codi Vore’s wife(A.K.A. Bunny Madison) for the weekend, & she’s thrilled to see them. She’ll certainly have her hands full but, luckily for her... Rachael Cavalli has her StepDaughter (A.K.A. Jill Kassidy) to help keep Bunny Madison & Codi Vore entertained. It’s been so long since Jill Kassidy has seen her StepAunts (A.K.A. Bunny Madison & Codi Vore) , so Rachael Cavalli’s thrilled for them to spend time together. But when Bunny Madison & Codi Vore arrive, it’s clear that they’re dazzled by how much their “Darling StepNiece” has grown... & when Rachael Cavalli leaves the 3 of them in the Living Rm. while she gets to work in the kitchen... Bunny Madison & Codi Vore immediately start making moves on Jill Kassidy. It isn’t long B4 Jill Kassidy falls for her StepAunts’ masterful seduction techniques, & agrees to have sex with them right then & there. But when Rachael Cavalli comes back in & discovers Bunny Madison & Codi Vore fucking her StepDaughter, she can hardly believe her eyes. How COULD they?!... This is so... WRONG!!... W. a little convincing from Bunny Madison, Codi Vore, & Jill Kassidy... However... Rachael Cavalli finally decides to join Jill Kassidy for a sexy jaunt W. the StepAunts!!...
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- Title: MommysGirl - Bunny Madison, Codi Vore, & Jill Kassidy, & Rachael Cavalli 【A Jaunt W. The StepAunts】
- Synopsis: Rachael Cavalli is hosting her StepSister (A.K.A. Codi Vore) & Codi Vore’s wife(A.K.A. Bunny Madison) for the weekend, & she’s thrilled to see them. She’ll certainly have her hands full but, luckily for her... Rachael Cavalli has her StepDaughter (A.K.A. Jill Kassidy) to help keep Bunny Madison & Codi Vore entertained. It’s been so long since Jill Kassidy has seen her StepAunts (A.K.A. Bunny Madison & Codi Vore) , so Rachael Cavalli’s thrilled for them to spend time together. But when Bunny Madison & Codi Vore arrive, it’s clear that they’re dazzled by how much their “Darling StepNiece” has grown... & when Rachael Cavalli leaves the 3 of them in the Living Rm. while she gets to work in the kitchen... Bunny Madison & Codi Vore immediately start making moves on Jill Kassidy. It isn’t long B4 Jill Kassidy falls for her StepAunts’ masterful seduction techniques, & agrees to have sex with them right then & there. But when Rachael Cavalli comes back in & discovers Bunny Madison & Codi Vore fucking her StepDaughter, she can hardly believe her eyes. How COULD they?!... This is so... WRONG!!... W. a little convincing from Bunny Madison, Codi Vore, & Jill Kassidy... However... Rachael Cavalli finally decides to join Jill Kassidy for a sexy jaunt W. the StepAunts!!...