I would have bitten it off too after how you treat people! I was you older homie. wait! "INVIZA-DICK" Saw one of those once! Like out of nowhere it just spread my cheeks, sphincter and then "sssssssssss" + "plllllllwwwww!" "hurry up before it all leaks out." "I am! need a second one." ( B - ( } I hear and see, it 's a common procedure in your practice.
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I would have bitten it off too after how you treat people! I was you older homie. wait! "INVIZA-DICK" Saw one of those once! Like out of nowhere it just spread my cheeks, sphincter and then "sssssssssss" + "plllllllwwwww!" "hurry up before it all leaks out." "I am! need a second one." ( B - ( } I hear and see, it 's a common procedure in your practice.