i dont care which part of the world you are from, she is an absolute babe! how can you not appreeciate her eyes behind hher burqa? then as she undressed she revealed a body next to heaven on earth! i think this clip is as timeless as her natural beauty....like a lot of Arabic women she is sexy and voluptuous with curves in all the right spots,a testament to God's most beautiful creation, and the reason i am still breathing today...women...
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i dont care which part of the world you are from, she is an absolute babe! how can you not appreeciate her eyes behind hher burqa? then as she undressed she revealed a body next to heaven on earth! i think this clip is as timeless as her natural beauty....like a lot of Arabic women she is sexy and voluptuous with curves in all the right spots,a testament to God's most beautiful creation, and the reason i am still breathing today...women...
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