- Title: FamilyStrokes - Piper June 【My Butch StepBitch】 - Synopsis: Piper June is a bit of a tomboy, & she always has been. She likes to wear comfortable clothes like jeans & flannels, but her StepBro is convinced that means she’s a lesbian. 1 day, he was looking all over the house for his baseball cap. His StepDad (A.K.A Glen) told him to check in his StepSister’s Rm. Sure enough, there it was. Just then, she walked in wearing yet another 1 of his hats! “Enough is enough”, he decides, & then confronts her & accuses her of being a lesbian. Piper June is eager to prove him wrong & show him just how much she loves cock. She drops to her knees & sucks him off. He slams her against her dresser & fucks her from behind, making her moan. When their StepDad comes knocking, Piper June opens the door & talks to him while her StepBrother is fucking her behind the door. She might dress like a butch lesbian, but she fucks like a crazy whore.
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- Title: FamilyStrokes - Piper June 【My Butch StepBitch】
- Synopsis: Piper June is a bit of a tomboy, & she always has been. She likes to wear comfortable clothes like jeans & flannels, but her StepBro is convinced that means she’s a lesbian. 1 day, he was looking all over the house for his baseball cap. His StepDad (A.K.A Glen) told him to check in his StepSister’s Rm. Sure enough, there it was. Just then, she walked in wearing yet another 1 of his hats! “Enough is enough”, he decides, & then confronts her & accuses her of being a lesbian. Piper June is eager to prove him wrong & show him just how much she loves cock. She drops to her knees & sucks him off. He slams her against her dresser & fucks her from behind, making her moan. When their StepDad comes knocking, Piper June opens the door & talks to him while her StepBrother is fucking her behind the door. She might dress like a butch lesbian, but she fucks like a crazy whore.