bestfriend ? when I see current porn and I combine it with the stories of certain forums... I find the Americans so bad, doesn't the "bro code" exist in your country? one day one of my exes tried the same thing with my best friend, but he came to tell me instead of fucking her... when I confronted her about it, she asked me for a threesome because that she found my bond with my best friend so sexy.. I dumped that whore on the spot
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bestfriend ?
when I see current porn and I combine it with the stories of certain forums... I find the Americans so bad, doesn't the "bro code" exist in your country? one day one of my exes tried the same thing with my best friend, but he came to tell me instead of fucking her... when I confronted her about it, she asked me for a threesome because that she found my bond with my best friend so sexy.. I dumped that whore on the spot