what a pile of shit from beginning to end. why this twat kept trying to make her squirt I have no idea. She managed it first time but clearly every time after she failed. that's when the cameraman was close enough for us to see it of course which leads me to the cumshot which clearly we didn't see well enough to appreciate as once again the twat behind the camera kept his distance! Marcus Dupree has a james deen complex here and obviouslythinks he is the beez neez and the cameraman was just fucking crap!
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what a pile of shit from beginning to end. why this twat kept trying to make her squirt I have no idea. She managed it first time but clearly every time after she failed. that's when the cameraman was close enough for us to see it of course which leads me to the cumshot which clearly we didn't see well enough to appreciate as once again the twat behind the camera kept his distance! Marcus Dupree has a james deen complex here and obviouslythinks he is the beez neez and the cameraman was just fucking crap!