The Third Reich was a period of rule in Germany from 1933 to 1945. A time controlled entirely by the Nazi party. The leader of said organization was a man named Adolf Hitler who has grown extremely controversial since his reign and death, due to his leadership and the stances that he advocated for. By the late 1930s Hitler and his regime began increasingly aggresive territorial demands and by 1940 Hitler captured a large chunk of Europe, which of course threatens Great Britain quite a bit. Hitler had planned for a worldwide conquest and he likely would have come somewhat close to this had the war not ended in the mid 1940s. Interestingly, one country that Nazi Germany did not attempt to invade was Sweden due to the lack of resources and a long list of alternative concerns. Little did those involved in World War 2 know that Sweden had a lot more value than they would most likely foresee, as they would be in due time be starting an invasion of their own.
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The Third Reich was a period of rule in Germany from 1933 to 1945. A time controlled entirely by the Nazi party. The leader of said organization was a man named Adolf Hitler who has grown extremely controversial since his reign and death, due to his leadership and the stances that he advocated for. By the late 1930s Hitler and his regime began increasingly aggresive territorial demands and by 1940 Hitler captured a large chunk of Europe, which of course threatens Great Britain quite a bit. Hitler had planned for a worldwide conquest and he likely would have come somewhat close to this had the war not ended in the mid 1940s. Interestingly, one country that Nazi Germany did not attempt to invade was Sweden due to the lack of resources and a long list of alternative concerns. Little did those involved in World War 2 know that Sweden had a lot more value than they would most likely foresee, as they would be in due time be starting an invasion of their own.
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