Love how the cross necklace the Christian girl wears jiggles and bounces over her boobs, and moves towards his face. Imagine he respects her Christian faith and kisses that necklace as she lowers her pussy down to his manly nonChristian cock, which she so wants inside her... As she lowers her body onto his impressive penis, he reaches out with his hands and holds her close. With one slight move, he could angle his manhood into his angel and burst her hymen, making her a woman and showing her what real life is all about...
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Love how the cross necklace the Christian girl wears jiggles and bounces over her boobs, and moves towards his face. Imagine he respects her Christian faith and kisses that necklace as she lowers her pussy down to his manly nonChristian cock, which she so wants inside her... As she lowers her body onto his impressive penis, he reaches out with his hands and holds her close. With one slight move, he could angle his manhood into his angel and burst her hymen, making her a woman and showing her what real life is all about...
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