Love the cross necklace the Christian girl wears as she engages in "everything...but (penetration)" activity, to preserve her virginity and Christian innocence. Her man sees that as they engage in their sex-play. If I were in his shoes, I would kiss that cross necklace as she lowered her pussy to my penis and let me grind up against her sweet Christian pussy, which so wants to be fucked... In that highly erotic scene, where she slowly lowers her pussy down to his hard penis, the cross necklace dangles below her neck. Later, when the Christian girl gives-into him, it bounces over her bouncy boobs when she rides him as he thrusts passionately into her good-girl pussy.
You can tell how she's a little reserved by the way she keeps her clothes on. He simply moves the bottom aside when he moves his penis into her. She doesn't stop him because she wants him in her. The religious girl trusts him as he grinds his penis up against her innocent virgin Christian pussy, which tells her he wants her. She so wants him to take her virginity and wants to give him her Christian innocence...
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Alexa Flexy
Love the cross necklace the Christian girl wears as she engages in "everything...but (penetration)" activity, to preserve her virginity and Christian innocence.
Her man sees that as they engage in their sex-play. If I were in his shoes, I would kiss that cross necklace as she lowered her pussy to my penis and let me grind up against her sweet Christian pussy, which so wants to be fucked...
In that highly erotic scene, where she slowly lowers her pussy down to his hard penis, the cross necklace dangles below her neck. Later, when the Christian girl gives-into him, it bounces over her bouncy boobs when she rides him as he thrusts passionately into her good-girl pussy.
You can tell how she's a little reserved by the way she keeps her clothes on. He simply moves the bottom aside when he moves his penis into her. She doesn't stop him because she wants him in her. The religious girl trusts him as he grinds his penis up against her innocent virgin Christian pussy, which tells her he wants her. She so wants him to take her virginity and wants to give him her Christian innocence...