- Title: JapanHDV - Tsubaki Kato 【Cheating Housewife Gets Found Out By Husband 【Pt. VI】 - Synopsis: Well, this is all coming full circle. We had Maki Hojo who was fucking some dude at work. & this dude at work is marred to Tsubaki Kato who also used to work at the same company, & whose best friend is Maki Hojo. So, what happened was Tsubaki Kato got tired of her husband never fucking her. So, she figured he must be out getting a piece of ass elsewhere. & of course she was right, cause he was fucking her best friend from work Maki Hojo. So then, she finds the 1st hard cock she can which happened to be the guy delivering flowers that happened to knock on her door. She liked the flower guy despite him being quite a bit younger than her. & the flower guy really liked her because she was a stay at home lonely housewife whose husband was always gone, & was seeing someone else. So, Tsubaki Kato thinks this is now fine as she has some hard cock to play with and her husband can continue on with his affair cause she has someone. But, then Tsubaki Kato ’s husband gets a surprise at work when his lover Maki Hojo decides to call it off because she’s now fucking some bartender she met 1 night when she was out drinking. & she’s really into the bartender, & he’s young & handsome, & his cock is so hard he could pound nails with it. So Tsubaki Kato ’s husband comes home to patch things up with the old ball & chain. He finds out she has been seeing someone else, but since he has no one... Well, he’s forced to admit he has been a real selfish prick. So, now it’s time for the make-up fuck. & that is always a good 1!!... - Pt. I: JapanHDV - Maki Hojo & Tsubaki Kato 【Passionately Making Love 【Pt. I】 - Pt. II: JapanHDV - Maki Hojo & Tsubaki Kato 【Were Caught Making Love 【Pt. II】 - Pt. III: JapanHDV - Tsubaki Kato 【Cheats On Husband In The Shower 【Pt. III】 - Pt. IV: JapanHDV - Tsubaki Kato 【Continues 2 Cheat On Hubby In Bed 【Pt. IV】 - Pt. V: JapanHDV - Tsubaki Kato 【Meets A Younger Man When Her Husband Is At Work 【Pt. V】
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- Title: JapanHDV - Tsubaki Kato 【Cheating Housewife Gets Found Out By Husband 【Pt. VI】
- Synopsis: Well, this is all coming full circle. We had Maki Hojo who was fucking some dude at work. & this dude at work is marred to Tsubaki Kato who also used to work at the same company, & whose best friend is Maki Hojo. So, what happened was Tsubaki Kato got tired of her husband never fucking her. So, she figured he must be out getting a piece of ass elsewhere. & of course she was right, cause he was fucking her best friend from work Maki Hojo. So then, she finds the 1st hard cock she can which happened to be the guy delivering flowers that happened to knock on her door. She liked the flower guy despite him being quite a bit younger than her. & the flower guy really liked her because she was a stay at home lonely housewife whose husband was always gone, & was seeing someone else. So, Tsubaki Kato thinks this is now fine as she has some hard cock to play with and her husband can continue on with his affair cause she has someone. But, then Tsubaki Kato ’s husband gets a surprise at work when his lover Maki Hojo decides to call it off because she’s now fucking some bartender she met 1 night when she was out drinking. & she’s really into the bartender, & he’s young & handsome, & his cock is so hard he could pound nails with it. So Tsubaki Kato ’s husband comes home to patch things up with the old ball & chain. He finds out she has been seeing someone else, but since he has no one... Well, he’s forced to admit he has been a real selfish prick. So, now it’s time for the make-up fuck. & that is always a good 1!!...
- Pt. I: JapanHDV - Maki Hojo & Tsubaki Kato 【Passionately Making Love 【Pt. I】
- Pt. II: JapanHDV - Maki Hojo & Tsubaki Kato 【Were Caught Making Love 【Pt. II】
- Pt. III: JapanHDV - Tsubaki Kato 【Cheats On Husband In The Shower 【Pt. III】
- Pt. IV: JapanHDV - Tsubaki Kato 【Continues 2 Cheat On Hubby In Bed 【Pt. IV】
- Pt. V: JapanHDV - Tsubaki Kato 【Meets A Younger Man When Her Husband Is At Work 【Pt. V】