- Title: JapanHDV - Maria Ono 【Nurse Fingers Her Patient’s Ass While Sucking His Cock 【Pt. II】 - Synopsis: Maria Ono is a hot nurse. She’s so sexy in her cute uniform. She loves her job & loves to wear her uniform everyday. She’s such a kind young lady always helping the patients that R in her care. She tries her best to make each 1 of them fell comfortable. She often does her rounds everyday giving out BJs to all the men in her care to be sure they’re able to unload all their cum that has for sure been building up. Today the clinic where she works is so busy, that she’s out giving examines to patients as the Dr. is so busy. Since she’s in charge at the moment, she decides what kind of examines she’s going to give. She has had her eye on a somewhat shy patient ’today she found him alone in his Rm, & decided he needed some attention. She let him know that she’d be examining him, ’that he should get on all 4’s for this examine. She lifted his gown, & started rubbing his ass & grabbing at his cock. This was certainly a new kind of examine he hadn’t experienced B4. She was adamant that he needed the full examine, & had him turn over on his back & grabbed his cock to check it. Maria gave it some flicks & checks, & then spit on it while she rubbed it to check to see how hard it would get. This was very nice, & then she lifted his legs to slide a finger in his ass while she sucked on his cock. This of course was very wonderful for the patient, & we’re sure he’s on his way to health now. - Pt. I: JapanHDV - Maria Ono 【Is A Kind Nurse That Sucks Each 1 Of Her Patient’s Cocks 【Pt. I】
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- Title: JapanHDV - Maria Ono 【Nurse Fingers Her Patient’s Ass While Sucking His Cock 【Pt. II】
- Synopsis: Maria Ono is a hot nurse. She’s so sexy in her cute uniform. She loves her job & loves to wear her uniform everyday. She’s such a kind young lady always helping the patients that R in her care. She tries her best to make each 1 of them fell comfortable. She often does her rounds everyday giving out BJs to all the men in her care to be sure they’re able to unload all their cum that has for sure been building up. Today the clinic where she works is so busy, that she’s out giving examines to patients as the Dr. is so busy. Since she’s in charge at the moment, she decides what kind of examines she’s going to give. She has had her eye on a somewhat shy patient ’today she found him alone in his Rm, & decided he needed some attention. She let him know that she’d be examining him, ’that he should get on all 4’s for this examine. She lifted his gown, & started rubbing his ass & grabbing at his cock. This was certainly a new kind of examine he hadn’t experienced B4. She was adamant that he needed the full examine, & had him turn over on his back & grabbed his cock to check it. Maria gave it some flicks & checks, & then spit on it while she rubbed it to check to see how hard it would get. This was very nice, & then she lifted his legs to slide a finger in his ass while she sucked on his cock. This of course was very wonderful for the patient, & we’re sure he’s on his way to health now.
- Pt. I: JapanHDV - Maria Ono 【Is A Kind Nurse That Sucks Each 1 Of Her Patient’s Cocks 【Pt. I】