- Title: JapanHDV - Seira Ichijo 【Is Told 2 Come 2 Work ½-Naked 2 Pleasure The Staff】 - Synopsis: Seira Ichijo is the new office lady, & her boss thinks she’s doing really really well... & she should have a long career at this company. That is her goal. Seira Ichijo would like to have a job for the rest of her career where she feels comfortable, & that she’s part of the team. She had been on a few interviews B4 being hired here & no one would hire her as she’s a bit older. They're all looking for young fresh pussy. But they didn’t know the lengths that Seira Ichijo would go to to get & keep a job. She really has become part of the team in this office. Just last night B4 heading home, 1 of the staff suggested that Seira Ichijo come to work tomorrow in her normal office attire sans skirt, pantyhose, & panties. They thought having Seira Ichijo walk around the office ½-nude would really encourage all the staff & give them some energy for the day. & because Seira Ichijo wanted to be part of the team, she came to work ½-naked. The staff decided to put her through 1 of their new office employee rituals & dumped a bucket of slime all over her body, & then asked the staff to please enjoy themselves with Seira Ichijo & do whatever they wanted to with her. The staff of course loved this idea, & all jumped in to make her feel welcome by taking turns spreading her legs & exploring her pussy. What a lovely afternoon it was for all in the office that day. Enjoy the video of these office pranksters & the new office secretary!!...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Seira Ichijo 【Is Told 2 Come 2 Work ½-Naked 2 Pleasure The Staff】
- Synopsis: Seira Ichijo is the new office lady, & her boss thinks she’s doing really really well... & she should have a long career at this company. That is her goal. Seira Ichijo would like to have a job for the rest of her career where she feels comfortable, & that she’s part of the team. She had been on a few interviews B4 being hired here & no one would hire her as she’s a bit older. They're all looking for young fresh pussy. But they didn’t know the lengths that Seira Ichijo would go to to get & keep a job. She really has become part of the team in this office. Just last night B4 heading home, 1 of the staff suggested that Seira Ichijo come to work tomorrow in her normal office attire sans skirt, pantyhose, & panties. They thought having Seira Ichijo walk around the office ½-nude would really encourage all the staff & give them some energy for the day. & because Seira Ichijo wanted to be part of the team, she came to work ½-naked. The staff decided to put her through 1 of their new office employee rituals & dumped a bucket of slime all over her body, & then asked the staff to please enjoy themselves with Seira Ichijo & do whatever they wanted to with her. The staff of course loved this idea, & all jumped in to make her feel welcome by taking turns spreading her legs & exploring her pussy. What a lovely afternoon it was for all in the office that day. Enjoy the video of these office pranksters & the new office secretary!!...