- Title: MyPervyFamily - Armani Black 【Watching StepMommy Masturbate 【StepMommy Fantasies 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: My StepMom (A.K.A Armani Black) is Grade-A MILF, USDA approved. When she comes home & thinks nobody is there, she goes to her Rm for a little She-Time. I (A.K.A Diego Perez) can’t believe this, it’s like a dream come true! She takes out her big juicy tits & uses a wand to vibrate her hot pussy. I spy on her & jerk my cock. Always turn Ur ringer off!!... Not good, she caught me dick-handed. Or maybe it wasn’t so bad?!... She tells me to come in, I help her use the wand on her beautifully shaven pussy. I squeeze her massive boobs B4 she sucks my cock, it doesn’t take long until I explode on her face. But that doesn’t stop her, she rides my cock with her tits in my mouth, her squishy pussy made me cum in 2 min. this time. My StepMommy (A.K.A Armani Black) let’s me fuck her good for a 3rd round. I think she must love cum, she took 3 big loads! That... Or I’m in a lot of trouble. Fucking ringer volume!!...
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- Title: MyPervyFamily - Armani Black 【Watching StepMommy Masturbate 【StepMommy Fantasies 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: My StepMom (A.K.A Armani Black) is Grade-A MILF, USDA approved. When she comes home & thinks nobody is there, she goes to her Rm for a little She-Time. I (A.K.A Diego Perez) can’t believe this, it’s like a dream come true! She takes out her big juicy tits & uses a wand to vibrate her hot pussy. I spy on her & jerk my cock. Always turn Ur ringer off!!... Not good, she caught me dick-handed. Or maybe it wasn’t so bad?!... She tells me to come in, I help her use the wand on her beautifully shaven pussy. I squeeze her massive boobs B4 she sucks my cock, it doesn’t take long until I explode on her face. But that doesn’t stop her, she rides my cock with her tits in my mouth, her squishy pussy made me cum in 2 min. this time. My StepMommy (A.K.A Armani Black) let’s me fuck her good for a 3rd round. I think she must love cum, she took 3 big loads! That... Or I’m in a lot of trouble. Fucking ringer volume!!...