StepMommy Fantasies 【Pt. IV】 - Title: MyPervyFamily - Kit Mercer 【Freezing My Controlling StepMom 【StepMommy Fantasies 【Pt. IV】 - Synopsis: My StepMom (A.K.A Kit Mercer) always thinks she can tell me what to do... I always wondered what it would be like to control her. Imagine if I snapped my fingers, she lost all control, & I could have my way with her. I would 1st lick her pussy and eat her ass, maybe I would shove my big dick down her throat. I would imagine after that I would have to fuck my StepMom right there where ever she was, I would then bring her into my Rm to have my way with her. I know I would want to cum all over my StepMom’s big tits, just imagine if I could have my way with her...
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Kit Mercer (Snapping My Fingers At My Controlling Stepmom
StepMommy Fantasies 【Pt. IV】
- Title: MyPervyFamily - Kit Mercer 【Freezing My Controlling StepMom 【StepMommy Fantasies 【Pt. IV】
- Synopsis: My StepMom (A.K.A Kit Mercer) always thinks she can tell me what to do... I always wondered what it would be like to control her. Imagine if I snapped my fingers, she lost all control, & I could have my way with her. I would 1st lick her pussy and eat her ass, maybe I would shove my big dick down her throat. I would imagine after that I would have to fuck my StepMom right there where ever she was, I would then bring her into my Rm to have my way with her. I know I would want to cum all over my StepMom’s big tits, just imagine if I could have my way with her...