- Title: JapanHDV - Jun Kusanagi & Yuuno Hoshi 【Gets A Business Meeting 2 A New Level】 - Synopsis: Jun Kusanagi & Yuuno Hoshi R having fun with their colleagues. They rented out a quite large Karaoke Rm, & R having a blast. After the tension rises, 1 of the girls takes off her pantyhose & teases with it. Seeing they can have their way with the girls, the men get naughtier. In a strange twist event... Though the men wanted to use the girls, Jun Kusanagi & Yuuno Hoshi R still the 1’s in charge. They get naked with the men, & after sucking & teasing, they get serious. Both of then prove how slutty they R, & can’t seem to stop sucking & teasing the men around them. After licking out their cocks, it’s their time to get pleased... The men get sex toys & make the girls moan while they’re making out. Stretched & wet, they’re finally pounded & filled with cum.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Jun Kusanagi & Yuuno Hoshi 【Gets A Business Meeting 2 A New Level】
- Synopsis: Jun Kusanagi & Yuuno Hoshi R having fun with their colleagues. They rented out a quite large Karaoke Rm, & R having a blast. After the tension rises, 1 of the girls takes off her pantyhose & teases with it. Seeing they can have their way with the girls, the men get naughtier. In a strange twist event... Though the men wanted to use the girls, Jun Kusanagi & Yuuno Hoshi R still the 1’s in charge. They get naked with the men, & after sucking & teasing, they get serious. Both of then prove how slutty they R, & can’t seem to stop sucking & teasing the men around them. After licking out their cocks, it’s their time to get pleased... The men get sex toys & make the girls moan while they’re making out. Stretched & wet, they’re finally pounded & filled with cum.