- Title: JapanHDV - Yuuno Hoshi 【Cute Miko Masturbates After Cleaning 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: After graduation, Yuuno Hoshi started working as a Miko in her Dad’s shrine. Its been 5 Yrs. since her 1st day, & she still loves her job. The only problem she has with it is that in order to be a Miko, she must remain innocent. She’s been masturbating a lot, & fears if it gets discovered she’ll lose her job. A bunch of boys come to the shrine praying for good luck & hope to fuck many girls this Yr. B4 they leave, they decide to go see the cute Miko. She’s alone after cleaning, & wonders what to do. She decides to masturbate. After gently sucking on her fingers & kneading tits, she strips her Hakama, & starts rubbing her slit. She takes off her panties & pushes her fingers deep inside. She uses a vibrator & a massive dildo to make herself cum & squirt. Sadly, the boys see her & take pictures. - Pt. II: JapanHDV - Yuuno Hoshi 【Gets Her Tight Slit Filled With Cock 【Pt. II】
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- Title: JapanHDV - Yuuno Hoshi 【Cute Miko Masturbates After Cleaning 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: After graduation, Yuuno Hoshi started working as a Miko in her Dad’s shrine. Its been 5 Yrs. since her 1st day, & she still loves her job. The only problem she has with it is that in order to be a Miko, she must remain innocent. She’s been masturbating a lot, & fears if it gets discovered she’ll lose her job. A bunch of boys come to the shrine praying for good luck & hope to fuck many girls this Yr. B4 they leave, they decide to go see the cute Miko. She’s alone after cleaning, & wonders what to do. She decides to masturbate. After gently sucking on her fingers & kneading tits, she strips her Hakama, & starts rubbing her slit. She takes off her panties & pushes her fingers deep inside. She uses a vibrator & a massive dildo to make herself cum & squirt. Sadly, the boys see her & take pictures.
- Pt. II: JapanHDV - Yuuno Hoshi 【Gets Her Tight Slit Filled With Cock 【Pt. II】