- Title: JapanHDV - Chihiro Momo 【Is Our Lovely Cheating Japanese Housewife】 - Synopsis: Our favorite thing in the world is a cheating Japanese housewife. They’re often sexy young ladies that have been neglected & in need of some attention. If we could, we would scour the morning markets all over Japan looking for that hot lonely housewife in need of a hard fuck. They’re easily found in buying fresh produce to make a lovely meal for their spouse who undoubtedly will return too late at night from the bars with co-workers to eat it. Today, we have the lovely Miss Chihiro Momo with us, & she’s here to be filmed for the 1st time. She’s a lovely hot young wife, & she’s in need of a real hard cocking in her sweet married pussy. We’re eager to help all & we’re doing our part here at JapanHDV to make life better for all the neglected housewives we find in Japan. Watch & enjoy as she shows us how sexy she is & what her husband is missing by not getting into bed with her early at night to give her a good dicking.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Chihiro Momo 【Is Our Lovely Cheating Japanese Housewife】
- Synopsis: Our favorite thing in the world is a cheating Japanese housewife. They’re often sexy young ladies that have been neglected & in need of some attention. If we could, we would scour the morning markets all over Japan looking for that hot lonely housewife in need of a hard fuck. They’re easily found in buying fresh produce to make a lovely meal for their spouse who undoubtedly will return too late at night from the bars with co-workers to eat it. Today, we have the lovely Miss Chihiro Momo with us, & she’s here to be filmed for the 1st time. She’s a lovely hot young wife, & she’s in need of a real hard cocking in her sweet married pussy. We’re eager to help all & we’re doing our part here at JapanHDV to make life better for all the neglected housewives we find in Japan. Watch & enjoy as she shows us how sexy she is & what her husband is missing by not getting into bed with her early at night to give her a good dicking.