- Title: JapanHDV - Aiko Hirose 【TV News Girl Gets Into A Wild Orgy Today At Work 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: A news announcer decides to interview a new CEO of a company. Miss Aiko Hirose is the news reported. She’s very ambitious & has just walked into the offices, & decided that she’s going to interview the boss. But to her surprise, the men in the office R just the workers, & the boss seems to have taken all the money from the company & fled. That means all these workers R now without pay & a job, & they’re pissed. & here comes Miss Aiko Hirose to intrude on 1 of the worst days of their lives. These men not being too happy with all that’s going on, & take it out on the sweet Aiko Hirose. She’s such a happy enthusiastic young lady who always brings a smile to people’s faces as she reports the news. Today, it seems that she’s in a situation where her smile alone isn’t going to make these working men happy. They take her to a building where they work & show her that it’s empty, & they’re all now without employment. She looks so good & delicious that they sit her down, & several of them start to touch & play with her. She’s overwhelmed with men all over her touching every part of her body. They’re now tugging at her clothes, & they’ve taken over the camera as well, & are filming the entire encounter. She has men to her left & to her right, & now her top is open, & her bra pulled up & her tits out, & 1 gentleman has his hands in her panties, pulling them & rubbing her pussy. This is going to be fun. Go see what these angry workmen treat Miss Aiko Hirose to next.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Aiko Hirose 【TV News Girl Gets Into A Wild Orgy Today At Work 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: A news announcer decides to interview a new CEO of a company. Miss Aiko Hirose is the news reported. She’s very ambitious & has just walked into the offices, & decided that she’s going to interview the boss. But to her surprise, the men in the office R just the workers, & the boss seems to have taken all the money from the company & fled. That means all these workers R now without pay & a job, & they’re pissed. & here comes Miss Aiko Hirose to intrude on 1 of the worst days of their lives. These men not being too happy with all that’s going on, & take it out on the sweet Aiko Hirose. She’s such a happy enthusiastic young lady who always brings a smile to people’s faces as she reports the news. Today, it seems that she’s in a situation where her smile alone isn’t going to make these working men happy. They take her to a building where they work & show her that it’s empty, & they’re all now without employment. She looks so good & delicious that they sit her down, & several of them start to touch & play with her. She’s overwhelmed with men all over her touching every part of her body. They’re now tugging at her clothes, & they’ve taken over the camera as well, & are filming the entire encounter. She has men to her left & to her right, & now her top is open, & her bra pulled up & her tits out, & 1 gentleman has his hands in her panties, pulling them & rubbing her pussy. This is going to be fun. Go see what these angry workmen treat Miss Aiko Hirose to next.