- Synopsis: Nova Cane & Remy Rayne’s StepDads have learned how to put the girls in a suggestive; At 1st, they make the girls do silly things... But soon, they realize the girls will do anything they ask!!... Nova Cane’s StepDad is always looking into some new alternatives to physical & mental well-being, & lately he’s stumbled on something mystical. He shows Remy Rayne’s StepDad a technique that involves dangling a stopwatch in front of someone’s eyes to gain suggestive powers over them. Once it’s done, that person will do anything U want. So, they try it out on their sexy daughters, & pretty soon, the girls R running around & squawking like chickens!!... Neither of these guys have seen their banging daughters flap their wings B4... But once Nova Cane’s StepDad proves the method, they put it to better use. They swap daughters & command the girls to pleasure each other’s thick pricks!!...
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- Synopsis: Nova Cane & Remy Rayne’s StepDads have learned how to put the girls in a suggestive; At 1st, they make the girls do silly things... But soon, they realize the girls will do anything they ask!!... Nova Cane’s StepDad is always looking into some new alternatives to physical & mental well-being, & lately he’s stumbled on something mystical. He shows Remy Rayne’s StepDad a technique that involves dangling a stopwatch in front of someone’s eyes to gain suggestive powers over them. Once it’s done, that person will do anything U want. So, they try it out on their sexy daughters, & pretty soon, the girls R running around & squawking like chickens!!... Neither of these guys have seen their banging daughters flap their wings B4... But once Nova Cane’s StepDad proves the method, they put it to better use. They swap daughters & command the girls to pleasure each other’s thick pricks!!...