- Synopsis: Reese Robbins & Sky Pierce have new jobs that ask that they dress in skimpy outfits; Their StepDads start out lecturing them, but soon end up showing the girls exactly what can happen if they dress seductively!!... Jack & Mike R mortified when they find their StepDaughters Reese Robbins & Sky Pierce dressed in skimpy clothing at their restaurant jobs. As a solution, Jack & Mike swap StepDaughters & show the girls a more dignified way to make money. However, the life lessons don’t last long, & things get raunchy B4 Jack & Mike know it!!...
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- Synopsis: Reese Robbins & Sky Pierce have new jobs that ask that they dress in skimpy outfits; Their StepDads start out lecturing them, but soon end up showing the girls exactly what can happen if they dress seductively!!... Jack & Mike R mortified when they find their StepDaughters Reese Robbins & Sky Pierce dressed in skimpy clothing at their restaurant jobs. As a solution, Jack & Mike swap StepDaughters & show the girls a more dignified way to make money. However, the life lessons don’t last long, & things get raunchy B4 Jack & Mike know it!!...