- Title: JapanHDV - Yui Misaki & Maki Koizumi 【Enjoying A Strap-On 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: Maki Koizumi & Yui Misaki R so sweet together! They start to kiss so tenderly, & their kisses get more & more daring. Yui Misaki is so attracted by the Maki Koizumi’s big tits that she can’t stop fondling, kissing, & squeezing them. After more & more full of desire kisses, Yui Misaki has her boobies sucked too. Her nipples R rubbed while she’s kissed a lot. Maki Koizumi & Yui Misaki take the bra off, & their boobs touch while the girls kiss on & on. Maki Koizumi is undressed of her panties too, & she has her trimmed pussy licked with passion by her Gf. Her clit is rubbed, & her breasts R sucked & licked again. Yui Misaki receives compliments about her hairy pussy from Maki Koizumi how spreads it labia. Laying down, Yui Misaki has her crack licked & sucked between the spread legs. She loves this licking so much that she cums! Maki Koizumi puts a strap-on, especially for Yui Misaki who’s really excited. She sucks the dildo with a lot of saliva while fingering Maki Koizumi’s pussy. Sitting with her ass up in the air, Yui Misaki is fucked with the strap-on by Maki Koizumi. Fucked harder & deeper, she cums once again. Maki Koizumi shakes her big tits while fucking Yui Misaki from behind in her ass, faster & faster, & she gets a lot of compliments from Yui Misaki who has another orgasm. After the dildo is out, U can see how wet this babe’s butthole is, & how it pulsates. Maki Koizumi & Yui Misaki R really satisfied!
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- Title: JapanHDV - Yui Misaki & Maki Koizumi 【Enjoying A Strap-On 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: Maki Koizumi & Yui Misaki R so sweet together! They start to kiss so tenderly, & their kisses get more & more daring. Yui Misaki is so attracted by the Maki Koizumi’s big tits that she can’t stop fondling, kissing, & squeezing them. After more & more full of desire kisses, Yui Misaki has her boobies sucked too. Her nipples R rubbed while she’s kissed a lot. Maki Koizumi & Yui Misaki take the bra off, & their boobs touch while the girls kiss on & on. Maki Koizumi is undressed of her panties too, & she has her trimmed pussy licked with passion by her Gf. Her clit is rubbed, & her breasts R sucked & licked again. Yui Misaki receives compliments about her hairy pussy from Maki Koizumi how spreads it labia. Laying down, Yui Misaki has her crack licked & sucked between the spread legs. She loves this licking so much that she cums! Maki Koizumi puts a strap-on, especially for Yui Misaki who’s really excited. She sucks the dildo with a lot of saliva while fingering Maki Koizumi’s pussy. Sitting with her ass up in the air, Yui Misaki is fucked with the strap-on by Maki Koizumi. Fucked harder & deeper, she cums once again. Maki Koizumi shakes her big tits while fucking Yui Misaki from behind in her ass, faster & faster, & she gets a lot of compliments from Yui Misaki who has another orgasm. After the dildo is out, U can see how wet this babe’s butthole is, & how it pulsates. Maki Koizumi & Yui Misaki R really satisfied!